This is a great box for mid-term stress-busting or just to let your student know They’ve Got This!!
- Affirmators! 50 Affirmation Card Deck
- Pack of 2 Bendy Tubes stress fidget
- Encouraging Note Pad
- Nee Doh Stress Ball
Snack Items include:
- Goldfish Large Bag Mix-Ups
- Instant Oatmeal Cup (assorted flavors)
- Fruit Snacks (2)
- Popcorners
- Ka-Pop
- Trail Mix
- Boulder Chips
- Takis
- Lorne Doone Cookies
- Chex Mix Bar
- Rice Krispy Treat
- Hot Cocoa Packets (2)
- Cheeze-It Snap’d
- Gardettos
- Skinny Pop
- Fruit By the Foot
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